Marketing being the prime objective of website designing in today’s world of globalization, designers don their best creative cap to come up with newer approaches that help attract more traffic to a website. Here we have discussed about some of the prominent ongoing trends of web design that are used widely by designers to create an effective website:
1. Huge Headline and Images:
If you browse through some websites of modern age, you will realize that using huge headlines and images is the trend of the today that has caught the fancy of designers as well as users. A bold headline with prominent image not only succeeds in attracting visitor’s attention but only creates a visual impact that is communicative in tone.
2. Customized Typography:
Typography makes a crucial part of website designing that helps add to the beauty and effectiveness of a website. It also ensures that the company’s message is conveyed to its targeted audience rightly. Hence, to make a design rise above the group of mediocrity, designers largely depend on customized typography rather than standard fonts.
3. Print Design:
A better print design makes for another important trend of website designs that help inspire and communicate with visitors easily. As the prime aim of every website design is to grab visitor’s attention instantly and spontaneously, designers constantly brainstorm their heads to unshackle newer ways of designing that encourage a better print design.
4. Visual Effects:
The visual effects of website design have also undergone huge alteration. Instead of patterned background or subtle textured background, bold and bright tones are used that help make it look nicer and more modern.
5. Mobile Compatibility:
Since the release of smart phones that support JavaScript and CSS, ‘staying connected’ is the mantra of the age. Browsing of internet has become more easy and accessible with users being able to connect online from anywhere and at anytime. Hence to bank on this new technological development, the website designs of modern age need to have a compatible mobile version.
6. Grid System:
To make a website catchy and engaging to visitors, modern day designers widely depend on column and grid system. It not only allows placing of contents in a more organized and systematic form, but also saves more spaces on the layout.
7. Clean Icons:
Conveying a company’s message, values and principle to its targeted audience appropriately makes the most important aspect of website designing. To help users understand and access a website easily and smoothly, using clean icons make another ongoing trend on modern age.
8. Minimalist and Creative:
Users no more like to view clumsy and complicated website design. They prefer a clean, engaging design with creative inputs that makes the trend of the age. If you want your website to be memorable among visitors, strike the right note with a simple and minimalist concept that is ruling the roost.
9. White Space:
Stuffing a web design with contents make it look congested and crumbed up. To add relief and space to a design, designers use white spaces in between to make the design look beautiful and easily accessible.
10. Social Media:
With social media being the craze of modern age, having an active presence in the social media sites definitely makes the latest trend of interaction and communication.
About the Author
Shimul Aich is SEO Group Leader of Webguru Infosystems which is a leading Website Design Company that offers website design, graphic design, logo design, flash design and SEO services.