How to Maximize Your Landing Page Conversions

How to Maximize Your Landing Page ConversionsEffective pay-per-click marketing is about sending the right message to the searcher at the right place and the right time. Optimizing the text in your ad is only one part of the complex PPC management equation. Without an effective and compelling landing page however, you are missing a critical step in the buyer’s journey. The best PPC landing page is not only engaging and relevant, but it matches the intent of the search query, tells the reader more information about your product or service and has clear buying instructions.

Here are five ways to guide experiences, drive clicks and maximize conversions on your product landing pages.

1. Talk to the right targets

Landing pages do better when they are targeted to a particular demographic. The best PPC landing pages add value by providing a solution to the prospect’s problems. In addition, the landing page should match the keyword typed by the searcher.

If you have a high bounce rate on your landing page, it could affect your Quality Score negatively. To improve your conversions and reduce your cost per click rates, it is essential that you target the right consumers.

2. Improve site optimization

The best PPC ad will not convert well, if your landing page is not optimized for search traffic. Here are four important factors to optimize your landing pages:

  • Your landing page must load quickly.
  • The text on your page must match the relevancy of your ad text.
  • If most of your keyword-targeted web visitors use mobile browsers to view your site, you must upgrade to a responsive or mobile website template.
  • Make sure that the search engine spiders can read the text on your landing page and the content on your entire site easily.

3. Include testimonials and compelling images

To support your headline and body text, include compelling images that best represent your offer.

Graphics should show empathy for the audience and be consistent with your marketing message. For example, to promote a diet or weight loss system, include before and after photos to boost credibility and show the many benefits of buying your products.

How to Maximize Your Landing Page Conversions

Another way to increase your sales is to include endorsements from your former and current customers. Testimonials are powerful because they show potential customers that there are other people like them making the same buying decisions. They also give your business an air of legitimacy and professionalism that makes you more noteworthy in the eyes of potential customers.

4. Create a clear, scalable message

Web users often scan web pages before they decide to read it. In fact, web usability expert, Jakob Nielsen reports, that only 79 percent of users always scan any new page they came across; while only 16 percent read the pages word-by-word. To increase conversions, include one clear marketing message above the fold. Have your important web assets near the top of the page and include headlines and subheads for readers who scan text. If you are selling products, include user ratings, prices and product images on your landing pages to help seal the deal.

About the Author

Article courtesy of PPC Management and SEO firm Wpromote