Researching Your Subject
Before you write about anything, make sure you actually know what you are writing about. If you are an expert in the subject, you have nothing to worry about. If you are not an expert, you will need to research heavily into the subject you are writing about. Do not expect to be able to trick people into showing up on your website. Your content needs to be presented in a manner that shows your knowledge on the subject by providing useful information. Content filled with fluff and meaningless babble will not be tolerated by a discriminating audience. If you cannot write succinctly about a subject, you might want to choose something you know a little more about.
Creating the Right Website
Along with great content, you need a website with the right design. As you are creating a website online, take into consideration those who will be viewing it. User experience is one of the most important concepts for website design today, according to Search Engine Land. If your website is not easily navigable, your visitor will have a hard time finding anything and your bounce rate will soar. Take the time to find a professional in website designer to assure you have the type of site people will actually want to look at. Do not neglect creating a mobile version. With more people than ever going mobile, your site needs to be viewable on all mobile devices.
Linking to Other Authority Websites
One term many new webmasters are unaware of is link weight. Also known as link juice, this is the degree by which a link will enhance your position in the search engine results. If you have links from government sites, your site will have incredible link weight. Linking to these sites can also allow your site to have the weight of an authority site. Beware of other sites linking to your site. Low weighted links can actually hurt your website. Links from link farms can land your website in serious trouble. Constantly check your site to see who is linking to it and what you are linked to in order to make sure you are getting the most out of all inbound and outbound links.
When using well-researched content, creating a good website and linking to the right websites you have the ability to create an authority site. The results are a website high in the search engine results with all the traffic you can handle.