Things to consider when creating an attractive design for your website
Before you even decide on the kind of design that you want for your site, determine its purpose and the kind of market that it wants to serve. What is your brand, and the qualities that it possesses?
You must consider this when thinking about the design for your website. An appropriate design will strength your brand, while at the same time, attract customers. An enhanced website design will be able to retain existing clients or visitors, making them to take the desired action.
Focus on website’s functionality as well
The latest in design trends is focused on the bold and attraction-grabbing look. This is done in order to gain much of visitors’ attention. Generally, web design is implemented to ensure aesthetics. However, functionality must also be given weight. Likewise, web design creation is about developing and enhancing the navigability as overall use of a website.
Principles of the best web design
The saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder is also true when it comes to web design. What may be attractive and colorful to a visitor might be messy and outlandishly-bold to another. This is why it is best to opt for clean and simple website by applying a standard design that’s meant to draw as many readers as possible.
For instance, the all-time successful tricks that the reputation management pros recommend is to take advantage of sleek and professional looking website that is focused in gaining the trust and approval of readers. Still, there are universal rules when coming up with a good website design:
1. Assure site navigability
It is a must that web design allows visitors to enjoy easy navigation of a website. For instance, you must see to it that the site has tabs leading to vital content and pages of the website. The website design should have navigation features and options that are found in the bottom of the site. Good navigability allows visitors to know where to find the information that they need.
2. Use good images
You can use a large image or small ones, depending on your website. For example, if you have a photo website, it’s natural that you use big images since they are basically the major content of your site. On the other hand, article-content website can take advantage of one or two images on every post to enhance it further.
4. Take advantage of multimedia
More and more people want to see videos and graphics on web pages as they are attractive features of a website. However, you mustn’t overdo it as the average visitor can get overwhelmed especially if they are after written content. The rule is to use videos and other multimedia content wisely by making sure that they are relevant to the post and website itself.
5. Choose attractive typography
When working on web design, choose a typography that makes visiting and reading your site a pleasure to the audience. This being said, go for a typography that meets your visitors’ requirements. At the same time, consider variety in terms of prominence and sizes of certain words and lines on your website.
Web design is only great and effective if it is able to attract as many people as possible. Elements such as layout and easy navigability are reasons why online audiences are drawn to the content. Put simply, a website owner’s goal is to build a site with a design that will want people to accept and patronize what it offers, whether a product, service, or content.
About the Author
The author is a professional writer and freelance blogger who writes about various topics such as online marketing, technology and other web-related content. She has worked with several well-known brands and SEO service providers.