Most Interesting jQuery Image Gallery/Slideshow Plugins

jquery pluginAll of us are aware of the myriad of applications and uses of jQuery. It has innumerable purposes like simplifying the creation of web pages that are highly interactive and responsive. But the most telling applications are those that involve images and slideshows. Here are some of the most interesting jQuery image gallery and slideshow plugins.

Before you start you may like to read our previous articles regarding jQuery:

Most Interesting jQuery Image Gallery/Slideshow Plugins

1. Pikachoose
jquery plugin

Pikachoose is a striking jQuery plugin which can be used to present photos with umpteen available options. The presentation of photos can be carried out in a fairly simple manner.

2. Face Detection
jquery plugin

Face Detection is an awesome plugin. What is does is no secret. It simply detects faces in photos and considering the advantage of light weightiness that it has, it is always going to be a productive plugin.

3. jCrop
jquery plugin

jCrop is an easy-to-use image cropping engine for jCrop. With the help of jCrop, the image cropping functionality can be incorporated into any web based application and that too, without having to compromise with power.

4. Galleria
jquery plugin

It is among the most popular jquery plugins. It is an image gallery framework and has been designed so that it can be easily installed. The interface is also fairly simple. It creates thumbnails for every image and each time an image is loaded, the thumbnail of that particular image is displayed.

5. Avia Slider
jquery plugin

Avia Slider is a simple jQuery plugin for slideshows. It has some remarkable and distinct transition features.

6. jQuery Easy Slides
jquery plugin

jQuery Easy Slides is another easy-to-use plugin for making slideshows./ It also has features like autoplay and looping.

7. jqZoom
jquery plugin

jqZoom is a wonderful, lightweight jQuery plugin which enables the users to apply magnification to images and makes it possible for the user to view the minutest details of the image without distorting the quality of the image.

8. Nivo Slider
jquery plugin

Counted among one of the most popular image sliders, this particular jQuery plugin has sixteen different transition effects. It is also very simple and responsive.

9. Slides
jquery plugin

A slide is yet another slideshow plugin for jQuery which has features like looping, preloading coupled with its easy-to-use and easy-to-install features.

10. Sequence
jquery plugin

Sequence is a jQuery plugin designed specifically for slideshows. Even though it is devoid of a built in theme, it still is capable of providing complete functionality to the web based application.

11. IPicture
jquery plugin

IPicture is another image plugin for jQuery. Its main advantage is that pictures can be made more interactive and responsive. Also, in cases where images are not enough to portray the whole picture, such a plugin is highly recommended. It can describe what is going in the larger context of the image.

12. Black and White
jquery plugin

As the name suggests, this jQuery plugin can convert every colored image into a black and white image.

About the Author

Brianne is a freelance content writer and a blogger with over 2 years experience. She consults at and can be found designing web apps prototypes.