Vintage design can make a user feel like they have been transported back in time. This particular design approach often uses elements such as vintage textures that look like they were found in the attic of an old house dating back to the 19th century. If you have any requirement of these element for your vintage design, here is the massive roundup of vintage textures and Photoshop brushes.
Free Vintage Textures
Vintage Pattern Textures Large (32 textures)
Old Paper Textures II (10 textures)
Vintage Texture Pack (5 textures)
Vintage II Texture Pack (7 textures)
Textures 02 – Vintage Floral (24 textures)
Textures: art + vintage (15 textures)
Free Photoshop Brushes
Book Ornaments Brushes 2 (6 brushes)
Vintage Polaroid brushes (14 brushes)
Vintage Brushes 1 (13 brushes)
Old Paper Brushes 2 (9 brushes)