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20 Tools and Tips to an Accessible Website
WebAnywhere is a non-visual interface that lets you interact with your web pages in a similar way to screen readers like JAWS or Window-Eyes.
Colour Contrast Analyser is a Firefox extension that lists color combinations used in your web pages.
WAT – Web Accessibility Toolbar
WAT is a Internet Explorer toolbar that helps you manually examine your web pages for a variety of accessibility aspects.
Firefox Accessibility Extension
WAT is a Internet Explorer toolbar that helps you manually examine your web pages for a variety of accessibility aspects.
Firefox Accessibility Extension
It is a collection of bookmarklets that help with accessibility when working on your web pages.
WAVE – Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool
WAVE is a free tool that helps you in the web accessibility evaluation process. WAVE displays your original web page with embedded icons and indicators, showing the accessibility of your page.
This tool checks your web pages for conformance with accessibility standards to make sure your content can be accessed by each and every visitor.
Here is the tool that shows you what your web pages look like to someone who is color blind.
This tool lets you pick a foreground and a background color and see if it provides enough of contrast when someone who has color deficits views it, or when it’s viewed on a black and white screen.
mobiReady – dotMobi Compliance and mobileOK Checker
mobiReady is a testing tool that evaluates your website’s mobile-readiness using web industry practices and standards.
Stanford Web Accessibility Checker
Here is the programmatic tool that can analyze your web pages and test for possible access barriers. It can check live code via URL, or you may supply a working file for evaluation. It then produces a report of all accessibility problems for your selected guidelines.
Check My Colours is a tool for checking foreground and background color combinations of all DOM elements.
This tool lets you to see what your web page will look like when viewed with Lynx. It is also shows how search engines would see your site. In addition to that, it can help determine if your web pages are accessible to people with impaired vision.
Quick Page Accessibility Tester
This tool is useful to get a quick analysis of any of your web pages.
GrayBit – Grayscale Conversion Contrast Accessibility Tool
This is online accessibility testing tool that visually converts your full-color web pages into grayscale renditions for the purpose of visually testing the page’s perceived contrast.
This tool lets you to see if a color pair is good for accessibility.
HERA is a tool for checking the accessibility of your web pages according to the specification of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
This tool displays the markup of your web pages in a normalized form. It highlights valid, deprecated and bogus markup, as well as misplaced elements. If it found any accessibility warning then they are shown in a generated report.
Cynthia Says
Cynthia Says is a web content accessibility validation tool that identifies errors in your design that are related to Section 508 standards and the WCAG guidelines.
This tool generates analysis of your web pages, based on the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0.
What Are Your Most Useful Tools?
Over to you: what accessibility tools do you deem essential? Do you have any other useful tips for website accessibility? Feel free to share useful information in the comments section below.