1. A good web hosting company should have commendable customer service. No matter how confident you are that you can figure out the various workings of the hosting site, at some point you are going to run into something confusing. When this happens it is important for customer service to talk you through a solution. If they are slow to respond or never respond at all to inquiries, they are not somebody that you want to do business with. Even if you are confident that you will rarely need them, this is still important.
2. They should also have very little downtime when it comes to visitors being able to access the site. If the host is always experiencing blackouts and they span more than a few minutes at a time during crucial hours, people will become frustrated and believe your site is no longer around. If they do not have your email address memorized, they may not even be able to reach you with questions and concerns. You do not want people to think you are obsolete, and you certainly should not have to deal with a company that cannot keep themselves stable. Their uptime, so to speak, should be commendable and durable.
3. Finally, decent web hosting sites should provide a range of affordable prices. They will be aware of the different financial situations of their customers, and as result they should push for different packages to cater to them. If you have a rather small budget, there should be something that fits your needs and does not compromise what you would expect to get from a hosting service. If you can, at some point, afford to spend more, there should be something available for these changes, as well. They should want to work to keep you around no matter what happens.
Saving money when looking for the right web hosting company is something nobody could criticize you for. However, while you may be able to find a free domain name with little trouble, you should be picky when it comes to where you put your site. Whether the hosting company is free or they require a fee, they should be good at what they do, and customers should be happy with them. Take the time to look around and compare, while also keeping the above information in mind. When you do this, success is something you will be able to grasp.