Adobe Fireworks (formerly Macromedia Fireworks) is a bitmap and vector graphics editor. It is very useful software utility for web designers for creating websites prototypes and application interfaces easily. Adobe Fireworks is designed to integrate easily with other former Macromedia products, such as Dreamweaver and Flash. Below you will find some of the best Fireworks resources available on the web for web and app developers.
Adobe Fireworks Resources for Web and App Developers
Orange Commands – Workflow Automation for Adobe Fireworks
Orange Commands is an amazing collection of over 90(!) commands, grid templates and web element templates (checkbox, text field, slider) all compatible with Adobe Fireworks CS3, CS4 and now CS5, all developed to make the life of a web designer easier.
Prebuilt CSS Templates for Fireworks
To complement the CSS Export feature in Fireworks CS4, Adobe has created a series of prebuilt templates that are ready for export, and a perfect tool to help you get to grips with designing with this tool and CSS.
Interactive Full Website Template and Logos for Fireworks
Fireworks makes it really easy to mock up a website without touching even one line of code. This free website layout sample file contains all the basic pages essential to build a website – all of the pages are linked together and ready to be exported for a quick visual preview before coding even begins.
Fireworks Template & Common Library for Flex Applications
Adobe Fireworks makes wireframing Flex applications extremely easy by using the Common Library. The free template, from this tutorial, has been especially designed for Flex development and is choc-full of useful web elements (accordion, button, textInput, textArea, etc) all available from its common library.
The Yahoo! Common Library Stencils for Fireworks
Fireworks Template for Wireframing
The Master Page of this template has been already set up, so you can edit the Main Navigation, Functional Nav, Footer Nav, Logo, etc. layers, making it easier for you to add additional Pages which will contain these visuals.
Wireframe Diagram Templates for Fireworks
< Background Image Grid to Lay-Out Your Web Site Template
This is not just another grid template having a very detailed grid background which, with the source files, allows you to tailor the grid and customize it to your needs.
960 Grid-System Template for Fireworks
You can either download the 12, 16 or 24 column 960 Grid-System templates.
12-col Typographic Grid for Fireworks
This grid template includes a layer with a 12-column grid and horizontal grids for setting type, based on the writings of Richard Rutter and Mark Boulton.
Fireworks Blueprint CSS Template
Firefox Browser Template (Mac) for Adobe Fireworks
This is a 1024px editable browser template of the Firefox Browser interface for Mac.
Firefox Browser Template (Windows) for Fireworks
These Firefox browser templates are available in both 1024x768px and 800x600px.
Internet Explorer Browser Template (Windows) for Fireworks
These Internet Explorer browser templates are available in both 1024x768px and 800x600px.
This is a set of blueprint ink style rich (meaning they have items that you can change in the symbol properties) symbols for wireframing.
Common Library – Browser Cursors
These are a set of most commonly used browser cursor icons.
iPhone GUI as Rich Symbols for Adobe Fireworks
Fireworks Toolkit for Creating iPhone UI Mockups
Adobe Fireworks GUI Template for Android
Nokia S60 Wireframing Stencils for Adobe Fireworks
These stencils include components for S60 5th Edition touch devices and S60 3rd Edition non-touch devices.
Adobe Fireworks 975px Template Grid Systems
You can either download the 12 column version or the six column version, and both includes a 16px baseline grid.
Dedicated Fireworks Texture Gallery (Over 300 Free .png Textures)
48 Ultimate Web 2.0 Styles for Fireworks
With these cool pre-made Styles you can easily give nice looking gradient effects for website elements like web 2.0 headers, backgrounds, buttons or any web based designs.
Adobe Fireworks AutoBackup Utility
Auto Backup is an Adobe AIR application that helps you to automatically keep creating backups of all your .png files which are being modified, while working Fireworks.