Free Online Books for Web Designers
A Practical Guide to Designing for the Web
“A Practical Guide to Designing for the Web” is a book in which the principles of graphic design (such as color, layout, typography etc) are explained.
Business, design, programming and marketing philosophy of 37Signals is explained in this book.
The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web
Into “The Elements of Typographic Style” you can get cleared idea about achieving typography techniques using HTML and CSS.
If you want to understand the fundamental of jQuery and complete basic tasks with jQuery, then this is the right book for you.
Classic elements of web design are well explained in “Web Style Guide”. Into its third edition, every chapter is updated.
“Access Design” is the guide of universal usability for web designers.
Web Designer’s Success Guide
“Web Designer’s Success Guide” will be a classic guide for you if are going to start freelance web designing. Everything in freelance web design business is explained step by step in this book.
“The Web Book” is a definitive guide for Web Development. Almost everything from registering a domain to building fully online database application in PHP/MySQL is coverd into this book.
Dive Into HTML 5
Features of HTML5 with other excellent standards are explained in depth into “Dive Into HTML5”.
This book is for those geeks who want to know and apply principles of making their products more accessible.