Collection of Absolutely Outstanding Dark Ads

collection of stunning dark adsDark ads are normally used to represent a scary condition, or a serious subject. It create a dramatic impact on viewers. In the article, we have collected some absolutely dramatic dark ads which have imaginative lighting effects.

Collection of Absolutely Outstanding Dark Ads

Denver Museum of Nature & Science
“They’re just waiting to be discovered. More than half of the world’s dinosaur species haven’t been found. See the remarkable creatures we’ve recently uncovered in a new exhibit at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.”

Soundtrax: Music Ears

“F300 outboard. Sea Climber.”

“Your Number Always Survives.”

CNA Nintendo Wii: The Home of Racing

CNA Nintendo Wii: 2009 Golf

Ovam: Clean Environment
“Who do you count on for a clean environment? Together we make tomorrow more beautiful.”

Scottex Maxi Roll
“Extra Strong, Extra Long.”

Kairos: Fight Child Abuse
“With your support we’ll be able to give psychological and physical help that hundreds of children and families need in order to live better in the less fortunate areas of the country.”

Disneyland Paris
“Get Rid of your Bad Dreams.”

“Can’t Afford to Be Slow in an Emergency.”

Wave Sound Productions

“We only let it go out if you bring it back to us. Forst 1857 Returnable.”

“Maglite, legendary power is to be unleashed with caution.”

Land Rover
“We also dream of a better world. Go beyond.”

Chevrolet Tahoe
“The streets are yours.”

Mothers Against Drunk Driving
“One drink can change your entire outlook.”