jQuery for Making Images Interactive

jQuery plugins for imagesWith innovation in modern web design technologies, everybody is expecting some interactivity in website elements especially in images. jQuery is the right choice if you want to do something extra with images. So to help you out, we have compiled 10 jQuery plugins and techniques for making images interactive.

jQuery for Making Images Interactive

Photo Zoom Out Effect
jQuery plugins for images

His tutorial includes how to create a simple image zoom out effect using jQuery. In it images are zoomed in originally, and when you hover on image it gets zoom out. This is very useful effect that can be used in photography related websites.

jQuery plugins for images

jCrop is the easiest and quick way to employ image cropping functionality into web applications.

Zoomer Gallery
jQuery plugins for images

Zoomer Gallery is useful to easily transform image lists into a beautiful gallery having nice zoom effects within them.

jQuery Captify Plugin
jQuery plugins for images

This plugin allows you to display simple and attractive caption on image that emerge on mouse rollover.

Animate Panning Slideshow with jQuery
jQuery plugins for images

This tutorial will teach you about making a elegant image sideshow having transition effect between slides. 

Sponsor Flip Wall With jQuery & CSS
jQuery plugins for images

Here you learn about creating an interactive sponsor showcase, to focus your sponsors on webpage.

jQuery plugins for images

This jQuery plugin allows to pops up an image and related description in an overlay on hover.

ZURB JavaScript Annotation Plugin
jQuery plugins for images

This plugin is used to quickly add and save annotations on images.

jQuery plugins for images

This simple jQuery plugin is for zooming any webpage element.

jQuery plugins for images

This plugin allows to load and view image in container with facility to zoom it and to drag it in container.